- 主演:
- Kate Chastain,Kat Held,Amy Johnson,Kelley Johnson,Eddie Lucas,Jennice Ontiveros,Ben Robinson,Lee Rosbach,Andrew Sturby
- 备注:
- 15集全
- 类型:
- 欧美剧 电视剧
- 导演:
- 未知
- 年代:
- 2014
- 更新:
- 2022-05-11 20:05:30
- 简介:
- Tempers flare on deck as the crew hustles to prepare the boat for their first group of charter guests, a larger-than-life group of详细

- 快播
Tempers flare on deck as the crew hustles to prepare the boat for their first group of charter guests, a larger-than-life group of fun-loving southerners. A rowdy, randy charter guest wants to get very friendly with new deckhand, Andrew. Meanwhile, sparks fly as new crew members Kelley and Jennice get extra flirty in their co-ed bunk, and a rookie mistake leads the crew to believe that one of their own may be a liability.
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