- 主演:
- 克里斯蒂安·梅卡多,Nolle Schnwald,Jaime Tamariz,Ariana Freire,Nadine Muoz Cervantes,Cristina Marchan,Naomi Ruf Calvache,Joaquín González,Juan José Franco,Domenica Elizabeth Gallardo
- 备注:
- 超清
- 类型:
- 恐怖片 电影
- 导演:
- Gabriela Calvache
- 年代:
- 2018
- 更新:
- 2022-12-12 02:12:02
- 简介:
- A beautiful woman turns to prostitution. She must surrender her income to the leader of a human trafficking ring, but her daughter详细

- 八戒
- 北斗星
- 天空
- 闪电
- 快播
A beautiful woman turns to prostitution. She must surrender her income to the leader of a human trafficking ring, but her daughter’s illness and a drug addiction prevents her from delivering her usual share. An unexpected event will give her the opportunity to stop obeying and take justice into her own hands.
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