- 主演:
- Paige Gilmour,Shane Quigley-Murphy,May Kelly,Joshua Whincup,Chloe Wigmore,Eva-Marie Kung,Rachael James,Lauren McConville,Joanna Lusua
- 备注:
- HD
- 类型:
- 恐怖片 电影
- 导演:
- Alix Austin,Keir Siewert
- 年代:
- 2024
- 更新:
- 2024-11-10 10:11:06
- 简介:
- When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He graduall详细

- 无尽
When Dakota tries to break off her toxic relationship with Axel, it starts transforming him into a monstrous creature. He gradually succumbs to the poison of the decaying relationship, becoming a creature with increased aggression, a touch that melts skin and worst of all, he's contagious.
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