
- 优质
Trapped in the padded white room of an abandoned asylum, a helpless man awakens, only to find himself chained down to a medical chair. There, a demented surgeon and his equally deranged assistant embark on a seemingly endless series of chirurgical tortures, unlocking new levels of pain and suffering, one excruciating procedure after another. Intent on harvesting the captive's endorphin-infused blood, the maniacal doctor mutilates the feeble flesh and breaks the naked bones, until the phial is filled with the life-giving substance. However, in this hellish purgatory of anguish and torment, the man finds the strength to cling to hope, as he keeps finding hand-written notes in his grim cell. Could there be another tormented patient in this nightmarish facility? Is there an escape from the never-ending agony?《美国豚鼠2:血腥冲击》高清正版视频在线观看,在线观看资源均系收集于百度云、吉吉影音、西瓜影音、先锋影音、迅雷下载,本站并不参与录制和制作,仅提供资源引用和分享,如特别喜欢或想收藏《美国豚鼠2:血腥冲击》DVD无字中字云视频免费观看,推荐通过正规渠道购买正版影视音像作品。
生死之交:马尔科姆·X与拳王阿里City of Vultures 2丹尼尔·托什:老好人我们这一天第二季摩根·弗里曼的大逃亡雇佣演员六个回合法式三角恋致命选择重要人物美国豚鼠2:血腥冲击的主演相关影片:
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