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Throughout its reign, the British Empire stole a lot of stuff. Today those objects are housed in genteel institutions across the UK and the world. They usually come with polite plaques. This is a series about the not-so-polite history behind those objects. Each episode, award-winning journalist, author and genetic-potluck, Marc Fennell, picks one artefact and takes you on the wild, evocative, sometimes funny, often tragic adventure of how it got to where it is today. These objects will ultimately help us see the Commonwealth — and ourselves — today, in a different light.
十字鹰行动达伦·布朗:挑战不可能的艺术盗窃蓝色天使长忆无痕间谍之道 第一季治疗2017善有善报黑盒玄疑丛林有情狼5:家庭度假理查德·普赖尔:…此时此地英国文物窃盗史谜考第一季的主演相关影片: